26 April 2013

On the floor- a new space

For the past two months I have been looking at some beautiful studio spaces around Hanoi. The most awesome being this old derelict chemical factory turning art hub hanoi style.
The spaces were so inspiring and I would have loved to set up there. Especially to share with this special lady and this special man. Alas the conditions on the nonexistent contract made me too tentative relax.

Wide balconies and big shuttered windows

Beautiful original tiles

Finally I have embraced what I already have going spare in my house, a well sunlit room with (uuuuuugly tiles,) two big windows overlooking greenery (very rare in Hanoi,)  and I have decided to work here for now.
k  i  n  d  l  i  n  g 
Clothes hangers by Greenhanger  made from recycled cardboard... I brought a whole bunch with me here as they pack flat and are light.