This leaf printed cotton has lovely drape and fall, and the print itself seemed just right for the winter collection. I wanted to have at least three, tailored but throw on dresses - the kind you can be ready in a minute and out the door running for the train in two, so I decided to alter the form of our Marrakesh dress by adding some pleats at the shoulders and hold them with a button detail.
In my wisdom I thought I could use this salmony pink fabric I already had on hand, as it did match perfectly with the print. The problem was, I didn't like the colour. It is a tricky thing for me to design for a lot of women, when I have very specific style myself. If I could get away with it, my whole collection, every time, would be blue... so now I thought I am going to go with pink... for all those pink ladies.

Long story short, I did not like the pink, and the sample has had the shoulder detail changed to blue, and now I love it.
(I also love that when taking photos in the sewing room, there is never an escape from animal print - it is everywhere in Hanoi!)